Monday, May 18, 2009

The temptation...

You're sitting across her, your eyes fixed on the story she has been telling.And you run your finger on her face, apparently pointing out a flaw in it but you still can't hide the tremor that runs through your hand as you reach the familiar curve near her chin.You know it's wrong.You know you'll have to withdraw your hand soon before it gets awkward.But maybe, the blush on her face meant something.Maybe, just maybe, she could feel the heat on your skin from across the table.And maybe, she wanted to feel it better.Whimsy.You thought she lived in a fantasy world.When every cell in your body falls right into place, synchronised by a rhythm quite implicit, nothing feels wrong anymore.And past mistake doesn't serve as a mistake to be remembered and not committed again.It just becomes a very ephemeral prologue, begging to be completed to that explosive climax it deserves.And maybe, as she locks the door and turns off the light, you'll be ready.She sure is...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, today, the talented(not Mr.Ripley.My humour will remain lame.You better start accepting the fact!) Samina pointed out that my blog is very depressing and I need to write about more cheerful things.With respect to that very obvious fact, here's what I want to introduce you to.My fantasy land with my latest fantasy man :)

He has these big, blue, innocent eyes which beckon you to look at the world the way he does, as though it's the first time he's seen a tree or a bird or a field of sun kissed corn stalks.A water bubble is like a planet to him and a woman like the sea.You wish you could see around with his eyes, you wish you could see yourself with his eyes...

His voice, with all of its Scottish charm refuses to leave your head as every single second your dreamy mind wonders if he can get dreamier.The answer is so obvious...

And then, just as you think he cannot get any better, he does something so unlike him that you fall, if possible, in love with him all over again.Yes, you mind reader, you're right.He takes his shirt off.



I'm wondering how it'd feel like to be the third wheel for the rest of my life.It will probably be okay, you know.Probably, I'll just ruin a few 'couple' moments.Or probably make them think 'Why couldn't she bring someone along?' Or probably a sympathetic sigh towards me, and then feeling incredibly lucky the next instant to have someone alongside, making a mental note to themselves to tell the significant other how much they love them each day.Or probably be happy that there's someone else around to break that awkward tension between you and your spouse, relieved that the weight of the silence seems lighter when there are more than two pairs of shoulders to bear it...

And all along, me, the whimsical, proverbial third wheel will keep wondering away if I could get married to a book.If yes, what book would it be?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Diamonds and rust

I think I understand now more than ever when Joan Baez sang "I need some of that vagueness now, it's all come back too clearly..." I really do.

Lick your thumb,

And smudge me off,

The edges first probably,

You were always quite conventional

In most ways,

Even as you claimed otherwise.

Then dive right in

The center,

Create a void,

That comes close,

To match my heart,

And my emptiness

That you held on to,

When I left you...
No, I never loved you,

No, I don't remember you from time to time,

I know you do still

Every single time, I can almost feel it.

Ties were supposed to be severed clean

Yet a few strings,

Stubborn as you

Refuse to give away...

I was too real for you,

But you, doll,

Were positively a nightmare...

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Why did you have to come in my life?Why couldn't I have just admired you silently for a few days and forgotten about you the next week?Why did you have to intrigue me, draw me in your indifferent mess of a life, deeper and deeper?Why did I have to lose something I could never call my own?Why did you have to run away, leave me behind?
Why wasn't it your mistake? Why didn't you hurt me?It would be so much easier if you had...