Thursday, June 21, 2007

Heaven on earth!

I know its a very cliche title...but thats all you can feel and express when you see the sight I saw.We recently visited the Balaji temple in Tirupati.The trip was very tiring.We had to wait in the queue for over 3 hours!Finally everything was done and we boarded the bus to go downhill and thats when I saw her and fell head over heels in love with her all over again....mother nature...our mother nature!All I could see initially was green-all types of green.There was brownish green,sap green,sea green,dark green,blackish green,greenish black!!Every imaginable shade of green,breathing and alive and reaffirming the fact that God must be one helluva painter!And then there were the flowers!Beautiful ornaments on the green bride....purple infused with white;bright,fresh yellow;splashes of blue!Even orange seemed desirable.I was nauseous....not just because the bus was taking dangerous curves but because I was intoxicated,intoxicated with the wine of luxury of colours,the bonanza of mesmerising fragrances and by the extravaganza of beauty in its purest form!I was very happy,not just because I saw this piece of paradise but because,thankfully,man did not have a fancy for it yet.It was still virgin.It still hasn't fallen into the commercial trap and hopefully it won't.I hope it is still the same green and pastels I saw and I hope it will remain like that.And then I laughed.We went atop the holy hill to get a glimpse of people's favourite God.But somehow the real feeling of awe and wonder and austerity and faith and devotion lay in the journey not the destination.Somehow the way to heaven seems more pleasant than heaven itself......


Kriti Kalwad said... of the finest vivid descriptions i've read in a long paint an unimaginably breathtaking picture in those lines..and the last line..HEAVY lady!HEAVY!nice one!!

Unknown said...

great! trust me u "should not" be an engineer. engineers simply don't think like u do. take me as an example. i too saw the same panaromic view as u did. but somehow all that abt god being a great painter did not occur to me. (if i remember right i was thinking abt from which angle i could get the best photo of the place and what to set the exposure setting to). trust me you will waste your ideas being an engineer, especially a software engineer.

Unknown said...
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