Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, today, the talented(not Mr.Ripley.My humour will remain lame.You better start accepting the fact!) Samina pointed out that my blog is very depressing and I need to write about more cheerful things.With respect to that very obvious fact, here's what I want to introduce you to.My fantasy land with my latest fantasy man :)

He has these big, blue, innocent eyes which beckon you to look at the world the way he does, as though it's the first time he's seen a tree or a bird or a field of sun kissed corn stalks.A water bubble is like a planet to him and a woman like the sea.You wish you could see around with his eyes, you wish you could see yourself with his eyes...

His voice, with all of its Scottish charm refuses to leave your head as every single second your dreamy mind wonders if he can get dreamier.The answer is so obvious...

And then, just as you think he cannot get any better, he does something so unlike him that you fall, if possible, in love with him all over again.Yes, you mind reader, you're right.He takes his shirt off.


1 comment:

Snob in Rotten Shoes said... is a james!!!and you are such a!!!made my heart happy means