Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm wondering how it'd feel like to be the third wheel for the rest of my life.It will probably be okay, you know.Probably, I'll just ruin a few 'couple' moments.Or probably make them think 'Why couldn't she bring someone along?' Or probably a sympathetic sigh towards me, and then feeling incredibly lucky the next instant to have someone alongside, making a mental note to themselves to tell the significant other how much they love them each day.Or probably be happy that there's someone else around to break that awkward tension between you and your spouse, relieved that the weight of the silence seems lighter when there are more than two pairs of shoulders to bear it...

And all along, me, the whimsical, proverbial third wheel will keep wondering away if I could get married to a book.If yes, what book would it be?

1 comment:

Snob in Rotten Shoes said...

ok, you have serious issues with being which case if you can't find the Mr.Right, you really need to re-examine your options...there's always me you know...